Bomb Squad

Patrick Keith – Sculptor – (Art Director, Sculptor, Illustrator )

Patrick is an award winning sculptor and painter who has provided work for companies such as Reaper, Dark Sword, Privateer Press and many, many others. He likes sculpting females, robots and sci-fi characters while listening to movie scores and classic rock. He is also available for private commissions and is particularly susceptible to pizza, Hooters wings, spiced rum and Aristocrat pipe tobacco but prefers cash. You can get all of the latest info from Patrick at his website.

Vicky Morgan-Keith – Creator – (Creative Director, Editor-in-Chief, Writer)
Vicky is an award winning painter who has provided work for Reaper, Impact!, and Bombshell Miniatures.  Some of her painted figures and writing appear in Reaper’s Warlord: Savage North rulebook. She enjoys conversion work and has an impressive portfolio of pieces for many of the Star Wars characters made from various existing figures. Vicky is responsible for developing the successful Kickstarter projects that have provided funds to make Bombshell Miniatures a reality. She primarily  writes and contributes much of the background, character, and narrative content for the  COUNTERBLAST setting.


The following is a list of friends, peers and top level freelance talent that lend their skills and expertise to bring you exceptional Bombshell Miniatures.


Brett Amundson – Creator – (COUNTERBLAST Game Designer)
Brett is a long time gamer and miniatures hobbyist.  A software engineer by trade he enjoys the creative process even more than the end product (usually).  When the opportunity to join Airlock Games came up he decided to take the leap into game development and publishing.  Previously, he was part of the team that produced Secrets of the Third Reich, providing background material and rules development assistance.  An award winning painter and sculptor, Brett really enjoys doing miniatures conversions and playing any type of game whenever he can.  Brett was the lead rules developer for Counterblast.

Born on August 20th 1982 near Milan, after graduating at Liceo Artistico Statale in 2001 he attend the Industrial Design class at Politecnico di Milano. After the first semester Gio decided to quit and choose a three year illustration class at Scuola del Fumetto, where he graduated in spring 2005.

During these years Gio participated in various contests, like the one in Bordano -UD- called “Sulle ali delle farfalle” in 2005 where he finished second in Amateurs category. The same year he had been selected among thousands around the World to the “Torino città Olimpica” exhibition that took part in the first months of 2006, during Winter Olympic Games.

Gio is a member of the Associazione Illustratori from 2005, and has been part of the Board between 2008 and 2011. He was elected for the Annual Illustratori Italiani in 2006.

In the first years of his career he collaborated with many Italian and foreign publishers, in Europe and the United States and now mainly works for magazines, school books, readers and picture books. In April 2014 he become a teacher in Digital Illustration techniques at Ied, Istituto Europeo di Design in Milano.

Elizabeth Beckley-Bradford – Painter

Elizabeth is a professional miniature artist living with three cats and her fiance, who puts up with paint brushes sitting around the house. She’s been painting miniatures for about two years now and I loves bringing her characters to life. There’s nothing better than sitting down to a game of D&D with some wonderfully painted mini’s to vanquish evil monsters!

When not painting, she attends college as a fine arts student with a concentration in ceramics. She also spends a lot of my time outdoors, that’s the best place to find new and interesting basing materials.


Heath has worked on lots of game designs including Dreadball Xtreme, Endless Fantasy Tactics, and Gods & Monsters.

Mary began paining a few years back and now does tons of commission work for private collectors.